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Woman Within Weekend
Gilbertsville, PA
The Woman Within Weekend® is a two-and-a half-day adventure for women. Our programs create a space for women to know themselves, find their authentic voice & be a force of change in the world. It’s an opportunity for you to look at the life you’ve created and to make choices about what you want to sustain, what you want to deepen, and what you want to release. The Weekend program is designed by women, for women and staffed by trained Woman Within women. We are a global community dedicated to amplifying the power & wisdom within every woman.
If you have any questions, please contact If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates on WWEUSA events, click here.”
The Woman Within Weekend (WWW) is a life-alerting experience and we believe all women can benefit; therefore, we continue to build our financial support program to create access for those in need of additional funds. These limited funds are awarded on a first come, first serve basis.
If you would like to apply for financial support click here. Please submit your registration prior to submitting a financial support application. Registration will open 90 days before the Weekend.
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