Woman Within® Circles are an opportunity to continue the growth you began during your Woman Within Weekend (WWW) or if you haven’t yet attended a WWW, to experience the supportive environment of a small, local WW group.
Each woman is offered support on her continuing journey of personal growth. In Woman Within® Circle Training, women learn and practice a set of skills that allow them to tell their truth in a caring way and to both challenge each other and accept each other for who they are. In this way, each woman feels empowered within the group to reach her potential as a whole woman.
The Woman Within® Circle Intensive is led by a Certified Circle Guide of the Woman Within Eastern USA Community
Who: Open to any women who have attended the Woman Within Weekend, currently sitting in a Woman Within Circle, or want to experience an introduction to Woman Within. Also, you can take this training more than once as a refresher.
Where: Long Island, NY (exact location given at registration)
When: Saturday, January 4 – Sunday, January 5, 9am-4pm
Please email Teresita Fawcett for registration and more info teresita.fawcett@gmail.com
Cost: $150 Pay online at WomanWithinEasternUSA.org/Payment
Open to all woman over 18